Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Robyn's new album preview sounds very very promising - watch the video now!

Robyn, the same Scandi-songstress that gave us 'Show Me Love' back in 1996, went away for a while and then staged an epic comeback a couple years ago with 'Every Heartbeat' and the absolutely sublime 'Be Mine!', has been working on her brand spankin new album.  Expectations are high, since her last album was an instant classic, but from the sounds of the tracks on this video she has pretty much delivered. 

And just in case you've forgotten just how LITERALLY SPECTACULAR she can be, here's Robyn's 'Be Mine!' in all its glory:

Robyn - Be Mine 2006
Uploaded by chicethautaine. - Explore more music videos.

There's no release date yet for the new material, and no word of what the lead single will be, but expect an announcement soon.  We'll have all the details for you when it happens.

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