Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Jane Fonda On Oprah TV Show

Jane Fonda, 72, is springing back into her workout gear this fall to release two new DVDs designed for the generation that came of age feeling the burn from her first blockbuster workout tape, Jane Fonda’s Workout, debuted in 1982.

“I’m very excited to be back in the fitness business,” Fonda told PEOPLE magazine. “I know from experience and from my research how critical it is for boomers and seniors to be physically active. Even if they’ve never exercised in their lives, now’s the time and my programs are a good, safe way to do it.”

The two titles, Jane Fonda: Prime Time Walkout and Jane Fonda: Prime Time Fit & Strong — both due out Nov. 30 — are not only for the senior set. Fonda says she also hopes to inspire “people who think that they are too far unfit to get fit again.”

This legendary fitness icon will reveal more about her new DVDs on the Oprah Show.

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