Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Upper Back and Chest Pain

What Causes Your Upper Back and Chest Pain?
Probably the most common cause the pain in your upper back and chest is your diaphragm. Your diaphragm has the same pain pattern as your heart. Hence it causes your chest pain and also tightens your upper back. The second most common cause is a mixture of the common causes of all back pain - tight muscles, weak muscles, joint movement and pelvic balance.

In the case of chest pain, your ribs are also likely involved.

Pain radiates to your chest as the rib attachment to your spine creates this, along with the upper back failing to move correctly. The smaller muscles that support the joints and the small muscles between your ribs will also radiate pain around the chest. As pain can take your breath away at times, this is the alarming symptom. You suddenly think you have heart problems, when in fact it is just a few muscles and joints not working correctly.

It may feel serious and if you are worried then you should be checked by your doctor. But in most cases, and we are talking 99% the problem lies in your spine.

Your diaphragm can tighten from stress, heavy lifting or from other factors in your spine. Your lower back works in tandem with your upper back. If your lower back twists and distorts so will your upper back, your diaphragm is caught in the middle and can tighten also.

The biggest mistake people make with all back pain is assuming that just because the pain is in one location, that is where all the problems must be. You need to think of pain as an alarm signal. A fire alarm does not tell you where the fire is, how big or what started it. It says there is a firer, and that is all.

Pain is only a signal. It tells you to take action and to remove the causes, not just the pain. Pain does not tell you where all the issues are.  This is why you need to first find ALL the causes, no matter where they are. If not you will only ever get temporary relief.

How can You Ease the pain in your Upper Back and Chest?

Easing your upper back and chest pain requires you to target all the factors causing it. You need to get the joints moving freely, relax the tight muscles, stimulate the nerve and blood supply to the weak muscles and rebalance your pelvis.

The first step is finding the distortion patterns that allow muscle and joint imbalances. This is the only essential step in removing your pain and a commonly forgotten one.

Once you know which pattern you have, you are then able to correct all the joints and muscles that are causing your pain. You should still look at all the causes, learn to remove stress so your diaphragm works better. Improve your overall fitness and health, make sure your lower back is balanced and learn to monitor your progress. Just because pain has eased, you should not stop working to remove the causes.

What is the best approach to ease your pain?

To get long lasting results you must both remove the symptoms and the cause. First you must identify which spinal imbalances are present, then attack the symptomatic processes. This can be achieved by using many techniques from ice/heat, Acupressure and anti-inflammatory measures. Then you must perform corrective techniques that target the spinal imbalances.

The principles of Spinal balancing address the both the pain and the root cause of the condition that is responsible for your lower right back pain. Through self assessments, your individual spinal imbalances can be identified, and a targeted corrective program can be developed for your specific needs.

Chest pain Upper middle back pain

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