Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

A song that sounds like it is from the 90's but is not - watch the new Alphabeat video now!

Alphabeat are a very electronic band and have thus far stayed with the imagery that befits such a group.  That all changes with the video for 'Heat Wave,' which shows the group backstage and performing in some sort of perhaps-misguided effort to paint them as a "proper band" in the vein of those knobbish boys with guitars that play festivals and are generally very crap.  It's still quite pretty though, and the guy who is clearly the hot one (you know exactly who we're talking about so stop pretending you don't) keeps getting hotter so we're fine with it.  Also, as live videos go, it's a pretty great way to approach it.  The effects and such are spot-on.

The song itself is....not their best, but somehow, coupled with the video treatment, the whole things just kind of works.  Which is super in theory but will quite obviously do nothing to save the floundering 'The Beat' album campaign.  With this run at the charts all but lost, look for some kind of either crap or very brilliant rebranding their next LP. 

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