Kamis, 12 November 2009

33. Iraq's Female Police Officer Corps

Dear Followers,

I'm happy to report that The Self-Empowered Woman is beginning to pick up steam. Did my first radio show last week and have another scheduled for the first week of December. Between now and then I have a "tea" for a dozen readers and then a Hadassah breakfast for about 40. And thanks to the women at Author Exposure, I'll be a "guest blogger" for a New Years Resolution post. Any ideas or suggestions you have for marketing or promotion are welcome because I've learned that writing a book is a lot easier than turning it into a bestseller...

Did you know that this week 50 women in Baghdad became the first female graduates of Iraq's Police Officer Training Academy? In the past, women could direct traffic or search female suspects, but until this year they were ineligible to become officers.

The nine-month course had the same standards as their male counterparts, but females trained and studied separately. During training the male students were able to sleep at the academy, but the women had to commute each day because there were no housing facilities for females.

Many of the new officers joined the academy after they finished law school and Col. Randy Twitchell, a member of the U.S. Army who has served as a consultant for the program, estimates that next year's female class will double in size to 100. This year's graduates call themselves "The Lioness Group."

As practically everyone knows already, the world of journalism (and print media, in general) simply isn't what it used to be. And this week my friend and Palm Beach Post Editor, Anne Rodgers, began the transition from journalist to author. Like most of her fans, I'm in mourning - partly because I'll miss opening the paper and finding columns that speak to readers like me, and partly because I've had close friends and colleagues who were staff members on various newspapers since I was 24 years old. For the first time in decades, there's no one left with printer's ink in their veins who I want to speed dial. Guess that officially makes me an old fogey.

Looking forward to your comments...

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