Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

8. Self-Empowered Woman Progress

Dear Followers,

Julie Powell referred to her blog readers as "bleaders" and acknowedged that their interest and support helped "Julie and Julia" become a success. Believe me, it really does make a difference (especially for someone accustomed to seeing her words on paper instead of a screen) to know that you are out there reading my words.

Here's today's quiz: do you know what model Janice Dickenson, recording artist Fergie, writer Jacqueline Mitchard and artist Louise Nevelson have in common?
I've got a long "to do" list for the weekend, and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the new issue of Forbes Magazine to see whom they've chosen as the world's 100 most powerful women. Next on my list is getting a cover of THE BOOK framed and placed near my other book jackets.

Looking forward to hearing from you...

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