Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

2. 17 Traits of "The Self-Empowered Woman"

What do author Judy Blume, actress Geena Davis, TV newswoman Andrea Mitchell, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have in common?

On each blog entry I plan to tweak your curiousity about the women I've included in my soon-to-be published book The Self-Empowered Woman. By this time next year, I predict that much of the "mystery" about high-achieving women will become mere common knowledge. Finishing the book and sharing my research with all of you is a real thrill, and I'm counting the days until I have a finished book in my hands.

Who would have ever thought that Ms. "I hate computers" would be looking forward to each evening's blog time with Tony, my very supportive husband. A million years ago when I lived in L.A. I had a newspaper column called "A Woman's Place" that ran on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When a visiting publisher from NY read my pieces while at his breakfast table he decided that the story they told deserved to be in book form, which is how Diary of a Divorced Mother came to life.

When Tony and I went to see "Julie & Julia" over the weekend I realized that composing a blog and writing a column are pretty similar. So here I am, anxious to share with you the decades worth of research and reading about high-achieving women that will soon be published in book form.

Before you know it, you too will begin to keep track of which traits (from the 17 included in the book) apply to which women - or even to yourself.

I really look forward to your feedback.

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