Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Robyn wants us to 'Hang With Me'...let's all take a look at what she does behind the scenes in her new video

The good news is if you loved Robyn's 'Dancing On My Own' you will ADORE 'Hang With Me' in all its new, rerecorded glory.  It has that same "weeping at the discotheque while your mascara runs fabulously down your face" feel of 'Dancing' but has a more accessible and immediate melody.  And the bad news....well there really isn't any, because this whole thing is pretty brilliant and even though the video's been cobbled together with "candid" (read: not candid at all) clips of Robyn just "being Robyn" it's somehow still pretty satisfying. 

Robyn - Hang With Me official video from Robyn on Vimeo.

On a personal note, just one more day left of exams before ScopiSat is back to its old self.  We know you can't wait, and neither can we.

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