Yes. It deserves all caps.
Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
64: The Self Empowered Woman: Dayniah Manderson
Dear Followers,
As the wonderful readers of this blog know, one of my objectives is to introduce them to a wide variety of amazing women. I'm always on the lookout for women from different backgrounds , with unique stories, and inspiring qualities.
2010 is my 20th year as a wheelchair-dependent person, so Dayniah Manderson's story affected me in a special way. I think you'll also be amazed by her story...
Dayniah was born in Jamaica, at the age of two was diagnosed by doctors at a Kingston clinic with Muscular Dystrophy. Her mother, Millie Williams, was told to "prepare a coffin," but instead chose to treat her daughter like any other little girl. When she was 15, a local doctor offered to treat her "evil spirits," and that's when Millie decided to bring her daughter to the United States.
Dayniah has Muscular Atrophy Type II. which occurs in one of every 6,000 children; they usually do not live beyond 30. Motor control diminishes, muscles weaken, movement is impaired, spines twist, and as the ribs become pressed breathing becomes ever more difficult. Fortunately, Dayniah and her mother met Doctor Roberta Shapiro at Jacobi Medical Center (4: Supportive Someone), who has become a confidant and a supporter.
Even though she was living in the projects as a disabled teenager in a wheelchair, Dayniah attended Theodore Roosevelt High School near the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, and graduated sixth out of a class of 400 (10: The Critic Within). With the help of an overnight aide she lived in the dormitories at NYU, and even earned a Master's Degree.
Dayniah had been molested by a family member as a child in Jamaica, had an abortion when she was 16, and in 2004 married (now imprisoned) Ghandi Jackson, whom she'd met in Jamaica before his divorce (15: Forget About Prince Charming).
Against medical advice, Dayniah gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Akasha in November 2005, and three years later chose an extremely risky surgery with the hopes of extending her lifespan. Before the operation, she wrote a letter to her then two year old daughter: "I'm am going through this surgery only to have the opportunity to see you grow that you are here, it is a life worth preserving." (16: Intensive Motherhood).
Hope you are as inspired by Dayniah's story as I am.
Looking forward to your comments...

2010 is my 20th year as a wheelchair-dependent person, so Dayniah Manderson's story affected me in a special way. I think you'll also be amazed by her story...
Dayniah, who is 30 years old, profoundly disabled, and dependent on home aides as well as her $35,000 motorized wheelchair, is a much-admired English teacher at the Urban Assembly Academy of Civic Engagement, a Bronx middle school. For most of her life she has been told that she couldn't do what she wanted to (13: More Than Meets the Eye), but that has never stopped her.
Dayniah was born in Jamaica, at the age of two was diagnosed by doctors at a Kingston clinic with Muscular Dystrophy. Her mother, Millie Williams, was told to "prepare a coffin," but instead chose to treat her daughter like any other little girl. When she was 15, a local doctor offered to treat her "evil spirits," and that's when Millie decided to bring her daughter to the United States.
Dayniah has Muscular Atrophy Type II. which occurs in one of every 6,000 children; they usually do not live beyond 30. Motor control diminishes, muscles weaken, movement is impaired, spines twist, and as the ribs become pressed breathing becomes ever more difficult. Fortunately, Dayniah and her mother met Doctor Roberta Shapiro at Jacobi Medical Center (4: Supportive Someone), who has become a confidant and a supporter.
Even though she was living in the projects as a disabled teenager in a wheelchair, Dayniah attended Theodore Roosevelt High School near the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, and graduated sixth out of a class of 400 (10: The Critic Within). With the help of an overnight aide she lived in the dormitories at NYU, and even earned a Master's Degree.
Dayniah had been molested by a family member as a child in Jamaica, had an abortion when she was 16, and in 2004 married (now imprisoned) Ghandi Jackson, whom she'd met in Jamaica before his divorce (15: Forget About Prince Charming).
Against medical advice, Dayniah gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Akasha in November 2005, and three years later chose an extremely risky surgery with the hopes of extending her lifespan. Before the operation, she wrote a letter to her then two year old daughter: "I'm am going through this surgery only to have the opportunity to see you grow that you are here, it is a life worth preserving." (16: Intensive Motherhood).
Hope you are as inspired by Dayniah's story as I am.
Looking forward to your comments...
Sexy Lee Ryan is back with 'I Am Who I Am' and it is adorable - watch his acoustic performance now!
Lee Ryan, (whose Twitter account makes GREAT PAINS to point out that he is STILL A MEMBER of the superstar boyband BLUE) is stepping up promotion for his forthcoming second album, and if the lead single is anything to go by, it's going to be very very good. ScopiSat were big fans of his underrated debut track 'Army of Lovers,' a #3 hit in the UK and a #1 in Italy for some reason. Unfortunately, his next few singles didn't fare as well (#12, #15, and #101...yes, #101), but he is back in a big way for his new LP 'Confessions.' The kickoff single is a double A-side, with 'I Am Who I Am' and 'Secret Love' getting a simultaneous promo push.
Here is 'I Am Who I Am,' the far superior of the two tracks, done as a special acoustic performance. It's already brilliant, but the video makes it much better by the inclusion of a number of photos and video clips of Ryan himself. He is not difficult to look at, no?
And here is the video for the chav-tastic 'Secret Love.' Its title is appropriate, since ScopiSat has an actual "secret love" for this song. No seriously. Don't tell anyone. Please.
"An odd combination."
Both singles are out July 4
Here is 'I Am Who I Am,' the far superior of the two tracks, done as a special acoustic performance. It's already brilliant, but the video makes it much better by the inclusion of a number of photos and video clips of Ryan himself. He is not difficult to look at, no?
And here is the video for the chav-tastic 'Secret Love.' Its title is appropriate, since ScopiSat has an actual "secret love" for this song. No seriously. Don't tell anyone. Please.
"An odd combination."
Both singles are out July 4
Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010
Congratulations to Lena for winning Eurovision with 'Satellite' - watch the official video now!
For once Eurovision got it right. They actually chose the best song as the winner, and, in fact, the one ScopiSat wanted to win. Lena is a 19 year old singer, who sings with an inexplicable Cockney accent and for that reason comes off as a sort of brilliant Eurotrash Kate Nash. For that reason there is RIFE SPECULATION (read: some drunk on Twitter) that she learned English by listening to Lily Allen songs. If you don't believe us, check out the official video for the German winner:
Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) from squirrel on Vimeo.
Lena Meyer-Landrut - Satellite (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) from squirrel on Vimeo.
Rihanna gets all saucy in 'Te Amo' music video - watch the premiere now!
We made no big secret of our loathing for Rihanna's new North American single 'Rockstar 101,' but luckily the rest of the world gets 'Te Amo,' the much more palatable jam from the sexy singer. Sexy, here, is the operable word, as RiRi gets all kinds of lesbo-racy up in her new clip.
Some vital points:
1. The video is CONTROVERSIAL because there is extended girl-to-girl eye contact and a smattering of lingering hugs
2. Ri looks great
3. The 'other girl' looks great
4. It was shot in France
5. The song is still kind of crap :(
Out June 11 in Europe/elsewhere
Some vital points:
1. The video is CONTROVERSIAL because there is extended girl-to-girl eye contact and a smattering of lingering hugs
2. Ri looks great
3. The 'other girl' looks great
4. It was shot in France
5. The song is still kind of crap :(
Out June 11 in Europe/elsewhere
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Mark Ronson is back with a 'Circuit Breaker' - watch the Zelda-flavored video now!
Mark Ronson has been behind some great pop tunes over the last few years, albeit mostly in remake form. As a BIG PRODUCER OF THE MOMENT though, it's got to be difficult to churn out hits but keep up the edgy innovation that fans and critics expect. The solution? Tell them all to f*ck off with a glorified theme tune to an 80's video game. It's different, it's unexpected, and it's surprisingly...charming. It's probably not going to set the charts on fire, but still it's a nice diversion.
Check out the NES-tastic video clip:
Mark's new album 'Record Collection' is out in September
Check out the NES-tastic video clip:
Mark's new album 'Record Collection' is out in September
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
Who wants to see a clip of the new Kylie video? Watch now!
Finally, after what seems like weeks and months of waiting, we get to see a little preview of what Miss Minogue has in store for her 'All The Lovers' video. It's sexy, it's steamy, and has lots of flesh to look at. So, pretty much a win all around...
The track is out for download June 13, with the remix bundle on the 28th digitally and physically
The track is out for download June 13, with the remix bundle on the 28th digitally and physically
Rihanna's inexplicable 'Rockstar 101' single gets a video - watch the premiere now!
Rihanna's weird trip down the road of 'artistic reinvention' continues, as 'Rockstar 101' becomes her fourth single from Rated R in the States, while international fans get 'Te Amo.' Are we the only ones who are completely baffled that this track even made it on the album? Ah well, at least the video is pretty... sort of :(
Hits radio on June 1
Hits radio on June 1
Hey everyone,
I'm back and excited to say that i had an amazing time modelling for the past 3 days.
I was asked to come into the agency 24hours earlier than first arranged which was suprising but beneficial for the campaign. I arrived at the agency early morning and had breakfast with a few of the photographers and agency executives, they then moved on to relocate me to the beach. I spent the rest of that day (Sunday) settling into my resort and exploring the beach a little. That night i made sure to get lots of sleep because i had an early start!
I'm back and excited to say that i had an amazing time modelling for the past 3 days.
I was asked to come into the agency 24hours earlier than first arranged which was suprising but beneficial for the campaign. I arrived at the agency early morning and had breakfast with a few of the photographers and agency executives, they then moved on to relocate me to the beach. I spent the rest of that day (Sunday) settling into my resort and exploring the beach a little. That night i made sure to get lots of sleep because i had an early start!
Monday I did a couple of frames in the water but the majority of them were done in a heated lagoon which was convenient considering the water was fairly cold.
The next day came (Tuesday) and i had that day off so i spent it shopping (which means a haul coming up) and soaking up some sun by the pool.
Wednesday was a whirlwind, so many photos were taken and an amazing amount of times my clothes and makeup were changed!
A very tiring process i assure you! Nevertheless an amazing experience and one of the funnest campaigns i have done to date. It exceeded my expectations and was better than i ever imagined it would be.
The people i have met through these experiences has lead me to some beautiful souls and amazing characters. To be getting paid for something i love so much is a great thing in my life at the moment and although i would never consider modelling becoming an occupation, i thoroughly enjoy the extra money this hobby has given me.
No pictures used in this entry were taken as part of the campaign, it is against my contract to obtain any such images so don't expect them until they are officially released.
No pictures used in this entry were taken as part of the campaign, it is against my contract to obtain any such images so don't expect them until they are officially released.
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
Liza Minnelli shows those young tykes how it's done - watch a brilliantly edited video for her 'Single Ladies' Sex and the City II Soundtrack contribution
Ok hold on, pop readers, because it's about to get really "old school nancy boy" in here...
For all you casual pop fans, the young, and the straight, The Big Gay Book of Pop History goes something like this:
Before there was Madonna. Before there was Debbie Harry. Before there was Kylie, or Britney, or yes, even Beyonce....there was a woman named Judy. She was amazing and did the best movies and hottest music and the most powerful, trendiest drugs. Then she died and in response all the gays rioted at a bar in New York City and turned her daughter Liza into a LIVINGCORPSE LEGEND.
Yes, before all the divas that the pop world worships nowadays were even soiling their diapers, little lady Liza was vomiting up quaaludes in a Studio 54 VIP bathroom.
Liza did all sorts of things - most of them with a 'z' - and was generally very good if you like that sort of thing. Which we don't really, besides the passing HBO special or PBS retrospective, but that's neither here nor there. Like her or not, she churned out a quality product. In fact, she is the proud owner of the acting trifecta: an Oscar, Emmy and Tony. She kind of went off the rails a bit for a while, but then returned with a genius turn on TV's 'Arrested Development.' And all the while, she's been singing and dancing her hips right out of their sockets.
Well, as if to show all us young whippersnappers that she can take ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING and give it jazz hands, sequins, a gay husband and a pill problem, Liza has taken the Sex and the City II soundtrack and made it truly her own. Leona Lewis duet with Jennifer Hudson? Meh. Brand new Dido? Who cares. Alicia Keys singing Blondie? Big deal - Liza is doing 'Single Ladies'!
No matter how many times this track has been run into the ground with remakes and parodies and teenage boys in lycra onesies dancing to it on the Bonnie Hunt show, there's something purely genius about this track. Add to it someone's LITERALLY BRILLIANT montage video they've done for it, and well.....see for yourself:
Sure, she's clearly white-knuckling it the whole time, and the backing track sounds like the 'demo' feature on a Casio keyboard they only sell in Eastern Europe, but look us in the eye and tell us this didn't totally make your day. You can't can you? No, we didn't think so.
For all you casual pop fans, the young, and the straight, The Big Gay Book of Pop History goes something like this:
Before there was Madonna. Before there was Debbie Harry. Before there was Kylie, or Britney, or yes, even Beyonce....there was a woman named Judy. She was amazing and did the best movies and hottest music and the most powerful, trendiest drugs. Then she died and in response all the gays rioted at a bar in New York City and turned her daughter Liza into a LIVING
Yes, before all the divas that the pop world worships nowadays were even soiling their diapers, little lady Liza was vomiting up quaaludes in a Studio 54 VIP bathroom.
Liza did all sorts of things - most of them with a 'z' - and was generally very good if you like that sort of thing. Which we don't really, besides the passing HBO special or PBS retrospective, but that's neither here nor there. Like her or not, she churned out a quality product. In fact, she is the proud owner of the acting trifecta: an Oscar, Emmy and Tony. She kind of went off the rails a bit for a while, but then returned with a genius turn on TV's 'Arrested Development.' And all the while, she's been singing and dancing her hips right out of their sockets.
Well, as if to show all us young whippersnappers that she can take ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING and give it jazz hands, sequins, a gay husband and a pill problem, Liza has taken the Sex and the City II soundtrack and made it truly her own. Leona Lewis duet with Jennifer Hudson? Meh. Brand new Dido? Who cares. Alicia Keys singing Blondie? Big deal - Liza is doing 'Single Ladies'!
No matter how many times this track has been run into the ground with remakes and parodies and teenage boys in lycra onesies dancing to it on the Bonnie Hunt show, there's something purely genius about this track. Add to it someone's LITERALLY BRILLIANT montage video they've done for it, and well.....see for yourself:
Sure, she's clearly white-knuckling it the whole time, and the backing track sounds like the 'demo' feature on a Casio keyboard they only sell in Eastern Europe, but look us in the eye and tell us this didn't totally make your day. You can't can you? No, we didn't think so.
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Lily Allen and Professor Green's new video 'Be Good To Green' - watch the premiere now!
Lily Allen's retirement from music is going super well. So well, in fact, that she is STILL MAKING MUSIC. We're certainly not complaining, as ScopiSat loves them some Lily, but one of these days Miss Allen is going to say 'I'm totally retiring, innit' and we'll all roll our eyes and say 'yeah yeah whatever, let's hear your new single then...' and not even try to stop her because she's cried wolf a few too many times but then she actually will and everyone will be very sad except for all the people that hate Lily Allen. Anyway here's her new video with Professor Green. He is not actually a professor :(
Out July 5
Out July 5
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Hi everyone,
So i thought i would take a quick break from packing. I bet your thinking "but she said her modelling photoshoot started Monday..?". Well things have been moved forward 24hours and i'm heading to the city early tomorrow morning. I have pretty much packed my whole room into 2 suite cases, a LV Duffle, Guess Tote and purse. If your a commerical brand lover and know the sizing of those traveling items mentioned then you know how much stuff i have packed! I'm super excited and totally ready for endless hours of hair and makeup. However, it will be worth it because i think this is one of the biggest campaigns i have done to date. Oh and just to clear a few things up; thank you sooo much to the lovely girls who have wished me well on my modelling career but i wouldn't consider it a career. I do not intend on becoming a model of any sort and its just a part time job type thing so sorry to confuse you. I'm super excited!
Okay so onto the FOTD/OOTD..
Products used to achieve this look were;
-MAC Studio Sculpt concealer
-MAC Studio Fix Powder
-MAC LadyBlush CremeBlush
-Smashbox primer
-Stila "Kitten" eyeshadow (lid)
-MAC "Vanilla" eyshadow (brow bone)
-MAC PlushLash mascara in "PlushBlack"
-Maybelline "Great Lash" in "very black"
-Smashbox Jet Set liquid eyeliner in "Midnight Black"
-MAC PowerPoint in "Gilded White"
-MAC SlimShine in "Inimidate"
Now onto the Outfit..
-Abercrombie tank top. Blue.
-Doll DeLuxe. White denim minis.
Then i threw a black cardigan with lace detailing due to the cold weather here in Australia at the moment.
So just a super simple outfit for everday activities and just chilling on the weekend.
I hope you guys are all going well,
Thank you so much for your support and well wishes.
I love you all who take time to write me a sweet message or comment my videos and blog posts telling me what you think :D
Jumat, 21 Mei 2010
Goldfrapp are 'Alive' in new video - watch the premiere now!
Goldfrapp have had a tough time of it lately, as their BIG COMEBACK SINGLE was neither big nor much of a comeback. Hopefully its lack of success will be just a footnote in the tome of Goldfrapp history, and new track 'Alive' will do what it says on the tin and bring the band back to life. In all fairness, 'Alive' would have made a much better lead single, as it better showcases the unique 80's flair that the band have taken up. The Me Decade has been mined by pop acts for the last couple years now, but most have stuck to the obvious synths and guitar stabs that defined the decade on the surface. 'Alive' takes that skin-deep pastiche and does one better, as it mimics the vocal production, harmonies and mastering that ruled the 1980's.
The video.....well it's best we just let you watch it yourselves. It's suitably 80's, of course, with LASERS and SPANDEX but also a pentagram and Satan for some reason.
Out June 7
The video.....well it's best we just let you watch it yourselves. It's suitably 80's, of course, with LASERS and SPANDEX but also a pentagram and Satan for some reason.
Out June 7
Hi everyone,
A lot has been going on recently, hence me being MIA recently. I have a few things to share with you and some exciting news so i thought an update was necessary.Firstly i have been purchasing a few new things that i thought might be fascinating to share. To start with i have been stocking up on some DVDs including "The Notebook", "Private Valentine", "The Lovely Bones", "Meet The Morgans", "The Invention Of Lying", "New Moon", "2010", "Love Wrecked", "The House Bunny", "Blonde Ambition" and a few others but that's all i remember at the moment.
Also, to my excitment, i purchased a new laptop! I had a "MacBook Pro" except i couldnt live without Microsoft Office so i bought a new one which is the "Vaio E Series; VPCEB16FG". I bought a new phone about a month ago which is the "HTC Touch Pro 2" and that runs on Microsoft Office so basically i can't live without Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, OneNote, Outlook etc. I really do want to get back to posting regularly, proper beauty posts..but i havn't been inspired recently so i am just going to wait for that little push of inspiration i need to get me back blogging :D
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010
Christina Aguilera & Le Tigre :)
Hi:) Christina Aguilera’s forthcoming comeback album Bionic
will feature some cred-boosting guests like M.I.A
., Ladytron
, Santigold
and Le Tigre
, who appear on “I Hate Boys.” This song is loads better than the first sample from Bionic, “Not Myself Tonight,” (the Lady Gaga
-esque video didn’t help), it’s sort of strange to hear adult women singing “I hate boys/But boys love me/I think they suck/and my friends agree.” Le Tigre’s Johanna Fateman wrote about working with Aguilera on the Le Tigre website.
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010
Eliza Doolittle tells us all to 'Pack Up' in new video - watch now!
We told you about Eliza Doolittle when her last video came out, and had some generally nice things to say about her debut song. Well she's back with another track, and we're happy to report that it is even better than the last. 'Skinny Genes' was a breezy fun tune but nothing earth shattering, but 'Pack Up' takes it to a new level. It's not our usual dancefloor poppers-fest, but it's a very well done pop song for those days you want to skip down the street and get looked at because no one skips anymore which is a shame.
Out June 28, with an album July 5
Out June 28, with an album July 5
Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Who wants to see the new video for Kelly Rowland's storming new dance track? Watch a preview now!
Kelly Rowland looked quite down and out for a while. Second fiddle to Beyonce after Destiny's Child disbanded, she had a couple decent hits and the pop world readied to put her out to pasture. Non-charting singles, C-list TV appearances and cruise ship concerts awaited. Enter David Guetta, who made the soulful singer over into a dance diva, and in the process rejuvenated a career that so easily could have ended with a 'Where Are They Now' camera crew visiting her at a Georgia Wal*Mart. 'When Love Takes Over' became a smash US dance hit, a chart topper worldwide, and served as the sound of the summer for many a slightly fey gentleman.
That single coincided with her departure with both her manager and her label, and since then Kelly has signed with Universal Motown. Somebody at their offices knows what they're doing, as Miss Rowland's new direction capitalizes on her newfound club popularity. 'Commander' is a pulsing club banger, again produced by David Guetta, and joins the Kylie and Kelis releases in making 2010 the year dance was well and truly back.
As songs tend to do, 'Commander' has received a video treatment. Filmed in the beginning of May, it was directed by Masahahi Muto (behind some very awesome adverts and clips), and it looks to be QUITE GOOD. One insider said about the clip, ""Kelly’s look in this video is just utterly sexy. It’s like a jungle feel. I feel like we’re in Avatar somewhere, running through the woods, minus the blue paint."
Check out the preview now - are you looking forward to seeing the finished product?
Out to download tomorrow the 18th of May.
That single coincided with her departure with both her manager and her label, and since then Kelly has signed with Universal Motown. Somebody at their offices knows what they're doing, as Miss Rowland's new direction capitalizes on her newfound club popularity. 'Commander' is a pulsing club banger, again produced by David Guetta, and joins the Kylie and Kelis releases in making 2010 the year dance was well and truly back.
As songs tend to do, 'Commander' has received a video treatment. Filmed in the beginning of May, it was directed by Masahahi Muto (behind some very awesome adverts and clips), and it looks to be QUITE GOOD. One insider said about the clip, ""Kelly’s look in this video is just utterly sexy. It’s like a jungle feel. I feel like we’re in Avatar somewhere, running through the woods, minus the blue paint."
Check out the preview now - are you looking forward to seeing the finished product?
Out to download tomorrow the 18th of May.
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