Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Is it any surprise Lady Gaga's 'Teeth' inspired the gayest video ever? Watch ripped vampires bite each other now!

Lady Gaga's 'Teeth' (which morphed into an almost religiously incredible experience on her tour) is one of the many gems on 'The Fame Monster.'  With its swagger, pulsing rhythms and sexual tone, it quickly became a fan favorite.  And we don't mean to generalize, but gays freakin love it.  A lot.  So it only stands to reason that the track would spawn what will go down (*snicker*) as one of the gayest videos of all time alongside such classics as 'Party in the USA' and Johnny Hazzard's 'Soccer Practice.'   Essentially the video is 'Twilight,' if it were set in the basement of a gym in Chelsea and was produced by Chi Chi LaRue. 



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