Selasa, 22 Januari 2008

Prepare Yourself For Home Business Success

Prepare Yourself For Home Business Success by Sandy Bidinger

You may or may not be looking for a home business opportunity right now, but if you understand the importance of having wealth consciousness, and multiple streams of income then you'll want to keep reading.

When I first saw an ad for Success University online I was searching for a work at home business that would offer me a way to set up a stream of income that in time could build the kind of wealth that would afford me my dream lifestyle. I wanted to:
* Work from home & decide my own hours

* Earn more money than I ever could working at a "j-o-b"

* Do the kind of work that would give back and make a difference in others' lives

* Have the money and time freedom to travel and afford life's luxuries

* Build the kind of wealth that would secure my financial future

The way most of us are taught to be successful is that first, we are told to get an education. Then get a high-paying job usually with a limited or fixed income. Then work hard for the next 40+ years and try to enjoy it along the way.

Sadly, our ultimate success is measured by how well we set ourselves up for retirement when we are told we can finally "live the good life" at age 65 or 70. So often we look back at our lives and wonder where the time went, and we regret all the job sacrifices we made along the way.
Some part of each of us knows that this is crazy!

We know that we're supposed to get more out of life than spending 40+ hours a week (more like 60+) trading our time for money at jobs that are unfulfilling, stressful, have no employee loyalty and are usually dead end.

And if you look around, there ARE people out there who are choosing NOT to do it that way. They work just as hard, but are happy, fulfilled and most of all wealthy. Each person has gotten to that place in one of a thousand different ways but what they all have in common is their winning mindset for success.

It's of course possible to be in a job or career that you love and are completely fulfilled in and that's great. However, you're not likely making the kind of money you really want, need or that you're truly worth. Plus, your income is limited by the number of physical hours you can work...and that's frustrating!

Do you know that quote:

"Most people spend their health trying to achieve wealth, and when they retire, they spend their wealth trying to get back their health."

So much of what I learned about the Universal Laws is reflected in the teachings and philosophy of Success University.

SU is a 100% online personal development education resource.

Did you know that people all around the world spend over $64 Billion on self-improvement products each year. They spend money on books, audio recordings, live seminars and personal coaching.

I'll bet you yourself have spent several hundred dollars or more on these same types of I right?

Personal Development is such a massively growing trend in the world today it's not a wonder that...

Peter Drucker of Forbes Magazine says, "Webucation is the next great growth opportunity"
This a worldwide pattern and Success University is more than ready to deliver exactly what people are looking for, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee per day.

Success University achieved the rank of being the #1 most popular personal development website on the internet in it's first six months in business. Now, in just over two and a half years, over 65,OOO students from 175 countries around the world have joined Success University.

The momentum is growing and it's an exciting time to be a part of this billion dollar industry.
You may be one of the millions out there simply looking for a very comprehensive, work at your own pace way to improve yourself in all areas of your life. If so then SU has a lot to offer you.

But, now that you know more about the potential for global growth in the personal development industry, you can see why this could also be the home business opportunity of a lifetime.

Think how freeing it would be to put yourself in the position to have an ongoing additional income where it didn't require you to go to a job. You could be earning money while you sleep.

Success University allows you to learn the skills for success and also share the opportunity with others while making money and feeling great about your product...and education & personal growth IS the product.

Here's another quote I love,

"Formal education will make you a living, but self-education will make you a fortune."

Success University's online curriculum teaches the kind of real life success skills that we all wish we were taught growing up in school.

Look at these essential Personal Development curriculum topics:

* Presentation Skills

* Effective Leadership

* Selling Techniques

* Sales and Marketing

* Internet Marketing

* Time Management

* Networking

* Financial Success

* Relationships

* Spiritual Growth

* Health and Physical Well-Being

* Improve your Memory

* Speed Reading

* Getting out of Debt

* Tax Tips for Small Business

* Asset Protection

Honestly, I had never even thought about network marketing before because I was convinced, as most people are, that it's an industry that only a select few ever succeed in or that people just get scammed.

Then you know what...I found an educational video not associated with any particular business which gives a perfect explanation of why network marketing is the best way to secure your financial future.

It really helped turn my ideas around. I was finally ready to find the right business and move forward toward the dream

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